Badges API

The badge API supports the creation, deletion, and updating of badges that could be used to distinguish your content from other content on your site.

Creating badges

Creates a badge.

POST /api/1.3/badges


Name Type Description
name String Name - Required
image_id String ID of the uploaded image - Required
tags Array of strings Tags - Optional
category Integer
Category - Optional
- 0: Normal (Default)
- 1: Sponsored
description String Description - Required for sponsored badges only
link Object Link - Required for sponsored badges only


     "id": 50,
     "name": "My first badge",
     "image_id": 400,
     "image": "<id>/210x.jpg",
     "tags": ["foo", "bar"],
     "category": 0,
     "description": "",
     "link": "",
     "order": 0,

Editing badges

Edits a badge.

PUT /api/1.3/badges/<id>


The same requirements apply here as for Creating badges, only that there are no required fields.


The response structure here is the same as the response structure used for Creating badges.

Deleting badges

Deletes a badge.

DELETE /api/1.3/badges/<id>


The response payload is an empty object.


List badges

Fetches all badges’ information.

GET /api/1.3/badges


No parameters are required as all the badges are returned.


It returns a list of objects whose structure and contents are detailed here: Creating badges.

Get a single badge

Fetches a single badge by ID.

GET /api/1.3/badges/<id>


The response structure here is the same as the response structure used for Creating badges.