Scraper API

The scraper API extracts relevant information from any web page.

Scraping web pages

GET /api/1.3/scraper


Name Type Description
url String Web page URL - Required


The response can contain several fields, but the following are some of the most important ones to take note of:

Name Type Description
title String Page title
images Array of objects Images in web page
embed Object Embed information from web page
tags Array of strings Tags


Name Type Description
shortcode String Shortcode string
media_html String HTML markup of shortcode


The following is an example for a Facebook post link:


GET /api/1.3/scraper?


   "body":"It's estimated that 45% of consumers will unfollow a brand on social media if their platform is dominated by self-promotion.\n\nThat's why we loved United's #HerArtHere contest. The campaign blended...",
   "description":"It's estimated that 45% of consumers will unfollow a brand on social media if their platform is dominated by self-promotion.\n\nThat's why we loved United's #HerArtHere contest. The campaign blended...",
   "parser":"Facebook Fallback Parser",
      "shortcode":"[facebook expand=1]",
      "media_html":"<div class=\"rm-shortcode\" data-rm-shortcode-id=\"6OMI041565303846\"><div class=\"fb-post\" data-href=\"\"></div></div>"